Referencias bibliográficas
Publicaciones del proyecto:
- Participatory modelling for sustainable development: Connecting coastal and rural social-ecological systems
- Challenges and potential pathways towards sustainable agriculture within the European Green Deal
- Finding common grounds for conflict resolution through value analysis of stakeholders around the socio-ecological crisis of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain).
- How future changes in irrigation water supply and demand affect water security in a Mediterranean catchment.
- Using multi-actor labs as a tool to drive sustainability transitions in coastal-rural territories: Application in three European regions
- Participatory monitoring and evaluation to enable social learning, adoption, and out-scaling of regenerative agriculture
- Connecting research infrastructures, scientific and sectorial networks to support integrated management of Mediterranean coastal and rural areas
- Understanding Stakeholder Synergies Through System Dynamics: Integrating Multi-Sectoral Stakeholder Narratives Into Quantitative Environmental Models
Energia fotovoltaica
- Best management practices scenario analysis to reduce agricultural nitrogen loads and sediment yield to the semiarid Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain)
- Ecological Impacts of Agribusiness Transformation in a Spanish Mediterranean Enclave: Impacts on the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon
- A sustainable approach by using microalgae to minimize the eutrophication process of Mar Menor lagoon
- Nutrient Bioaccumulation in Phragmites australis: Management Tool for Reduction of Pollution in the Mar Menor
- Chapter 11 - Trade-Offs Between Biodiversity Conservation and Nutrients Removal in Wetlands of Arid Intensive Agricultural Basins: The Mar Menor Case, Spain
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Content in the Water of a Coastal Wetland in the Mar Menor Lagoon (Se Spain): Relationships With Effluents From Urban and Agricultural Areas
- Chambers, C., Marshall, J.D. & Danehy, R.J. Nitrogen uptake and turnover in riparian woody vegetation. Oecologia 140, 125–134 (2004).
- Woodchip bioreactors for saline leachates denitrification can mitigate agricultural impacts in mediterranean areas: The Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor environmental issue
- Álvarez Rogel, J., & Jiménez Cárceles, F. J. (2004). Nuevas técnicas en descontaminación y recuperación de aguas residuales: los humedales como filtros verdes.
- Jiménez-Cárceles, F. J., Álvarez-Rogel, J., Nicolás, C. E., González-Alcaraz, M. N., María-Cervantes, A., & Conesa-Alcaraz, H. M. (2010). The role of salt marshes in reducing the concentration of nitrate and phosphorous in eutrophic water: the Mar Menor lagoon, a case study in semiarid Mediterranean areas of SE Spain. Biogeochemistry and Pedogenetic Process in Saltmarsh and Mangrove Systems. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY, 223-252.Ver PDF
- Impact assessment of agricultural inputs into a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Mar Menor, SE Spain) on transplanted clams (Ruditapes decussatus) by biochemical and physiological responses
- Aquatic birds as bioindicators of trophic changes and ecosystem deterioration in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain)
- Arsenic zoning in a coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea as a base for management and recovery of areas contaminated by old mining activities
- Assessment of bioaccessible As in a wetland with mining influence (Mar Menor, SE Spain).
Ciclo del nitrógeno y eutrofización
- Application of Hydrological Simulation models to solve pollution impacts in the water management decision-making processes. Measures for the recovery of Mar Menor sea lake and “Campo de Cartagena” aquifer (Spain)
- Understanding nutrient loads from catchment and Mar Menor eutrophication
- Nutrient And Particulate Inputs Into The Mar Menor Lagoon (Se Spain) From An Intensive Agricultural Watershed
- Changes in benthic fish assemblages as a consequence of coastal works in a coastal lagoon: The Mar Menor (Spain, Western Mediterranean)
- Fish Assemblage Response to Eutrophic-Mediated Environmental Stress Events in the Mar Menor Coastal Lagoon (SE of Spain)
- The emergent fouling population after severe eutrophication in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon
- Changes in soils and vegetation in a Mediterranean coastal salt marsh impacted by human activities
- Las encañizadas del Mar Menor (Murcia, SE España): ejemplo de recuperación de un modelo de pesca sostenible y respetuoso con la biodiversidad marina y el paisaje
- Bio-economic analysis of the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain) small-scale lagoon fishery
- Estrategias de revitalización para el modelo turístico de sol y playa. La Manga del Mar Menor, Murcia
- Jiménez-Cárceles, F. J., Álvarez-Rogel, J., Nicolás, C. E., González-Alcaraz, M. N., María-Cervantes, A., & Conesa-Alcaraz, H. M. (2010). The role of salt marshes in reducing the concentration of nitrate and phosphorous in eutrophic water: the Mar Menor lagoon, a case study in semiarid Mediterranean areas of SE Spain. Biogeochemistry and Pedogenetic Process in Saltmarsh and Mangrove Systems. Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY, 223-252.Ver PDF
- The role of groundwater in highly human-modified hydrosystems: a review of impacts and mitigation options in the Campo de Cartagena-Mar Menor coastal plain (SE Spain)
- Informe de asesoramiento para la puesta en marcha de la investigación y seguimiento hidrogeológico de las actuaciones en marcha durante 2018. Enlace al archivo
- How future changes in irrigation water supply and demand affect water security in a Mediterranean catchment
Patrones socioeconómicos y modelos de simulación
- Participatory modelling for sustainable development: Connecting coastal and rural social-ecological systems
- Finding common grounds for conflict resolution through value analysis of stakeholders around the socio-ecological crisis of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon (Spain)
- Local perceptions regarding a social–ecological system of the mediterranean coast: the Mar Menor (Región de Murcia, Spain)
- Stakeholder analysis and prioritization of management measures for a sustainable development in the social-ecological system of the Mar Menor (SE, Spain)
- Simulating management options and scenarios to control nutrient load to Mar Menor, Southeast Spain
- A participatory approach for selecting cost-effective measures in the WFD context: The Mar Menor (SE Spain)
- Assessing the effectiveness of potential best management practices for science-informed decision support at the watershed scale: The case of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, Spain
- Connecting research infrastructures, scientific and sectorial networks to support integrated management of Mediterranean coastal and rural areas
- The environmental impacts of land transformation in the coastal perimeter of the Mar Menor lagoon (Spain)
- The management story of Mar Menor
- Whose waters, whose nutrients? Knowledge, uncertainty, and controversy over eutrophication in the Mar Menor
- The Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain): A singular natural ecosystem threatened by human activities